Welcome to my website, Pam’s Crochet Hook! I am truly taking a leap of faith! As I spent extra hours at home during the pandemic, I found myself crocheting more than ever! I taught myself to crochet tops to towels. After I had made several holiday towels, I reached out to my Facebook friends and family is these were items that I could sell. They sold me out! So now, I’ve started this website with the hopes to continue selling them and adding other items.

I am also starting a blog on this site. There are many reasons for it; but suffice it to say, I am more than just someone who crochets. I am a wife, mom, educator, and a crafter! My topics in my blogs will vary; some will relate to crafting, raising kids, and rediscovering who I am. I promise that I will NEVER discuss my 9-5 job or POLITICS. I am a firm believer in having an opinion but am not going to use this webpage as a political sounding board.

I hope you’ll join me. Please shop! Consider joining my mailing list and invite others to join. We will have fun!